Opening Hours The Market is open for trading between 9am and 5pm, 7 days a week. Stall Prices We aim to provide a balanced market, offering our customers a wide range of products, therefore we do require specific information regarding the commodities that you wish to sell, this allows us to maintain a wide variety of goods for sale on each day. If you are interested in becoming a trader, please complete the contact form below and our markets team will review your enquiry and contact you in due course. Submitting the contact form does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply for a stall or that your commodity will be approved, it may be rejected if: The market currently has a number of traders selling the same or similar commodity The proposed goods are not permitted for sale on Shambles Market You are unable to comply with our rules and regulations and/or our health and safety requirements
Payments are to be made on each day of trading by card only, please see daily rates below: Monday –Thursday: £25.00 Friday and Sunday: £30.00 Saturday: £40.00
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5 Silver Street, York, YO1 8RY, United Kingdom
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